Monitoring label

Impact indicator is a highly-visible device that will activate when an impact level exceeds a predetermined level. The tube will turn red from white. Our impact indicator are a powerful diamond stickers label affixed to the outside of the cargo box, It will work by special impact system. Widely used for monitoring during transport of goods, its use scope from production monitoring to the transport safety. Impact Indicator as an activity shipping labels, the operators will be asked for high attention during transport. It¨s effectively ensuring the safety transport of sensitive products. This label with technical support, provide an effective reference to product packaging and distribution. Simply put, impact indicator means less defects, less damage, and reduce costs.

Tilt indicator can easily show that the goods have ever been inclined, traversed, inverted in transport or storage, and monitor whether the goods are kept in line with the storage requirements at any time. Then effectively preventing and reducing the risk of damage to the goods during transportation. Tilt indicator is the best choice for those goods which are required to remain upright and intact during transportation. Normal vibrations will not make it work, even the emergency take off of plane.

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